What qualifies as a renovation?

Renovations are jobs that revive a room or house, but don't change the design. They can also be used to add value to a home before it is put up for sale. For this reason, renovations are usually small-scale projects. On the other hand, remodeling includes changes to the structure or design of a home.

In a renovation, a kitchen is still a kitchen and a bedroom is still a bedroom, but repairs and updates are made. This usually includes things like painting, installing new floors, and changing items such as cabinet knobs and faucets. For example, if rotten pieces of wood are discovered, they will be removed and the area (wall, subfloor or roof) will be reconstructed with new wood. As you can see, in the broadest sense, “renew” means doing again for revive.

When this definition is applied to the world of homebuilding, “reviving” can mean anything from repainting and paneling cabinets to installing new light fixtures and adding other finishes and accessories. Regardless of the task at hand, the original design is never drastically modified. Rather, it is simply updated or modified to meet a new or revised standard.

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