In what order should a house be renovated?

Home renovation schedule Week 1: site preparation and demolition, week 2 to 3: rudimentary work, week 4: drywall and finishes, week 5: interior trim and cabinets, week 6: painting, week 7: trimming of crafts, lighting and accessories, week 8: floors, finishes and cleaning, scope of work. Fortunately, we've worked with many Central Ohio homeowners on their complete home renovation projects, and we know how many details are needed to successfully complete a complete home renovation. We love planning, designing, and building our customers' dream renovations, and over the years, we've developed a general whole-house renovation checklist to help our customers better understand the process. So, what are the general whole-house remodeling steps you should follow? And what kinds of things should be on the checklist for remodeling your home? Here are our best tips to help you plan and organize the renewal.

The scope of this step is largely due to your plan. You may need to carry out numerous reconstruction works or you may only need to frame a few new walls. This step includes all the “behind-the-scenes” elements and is usually executed at the same time as reconstruction and framing. Basically, this step will complete everything that needs to be inside the floors, walls or ceilings.

It could include some minor adjustments to the pipes and electricity, or it could consist of a complete rewiring or reinstallation of plumbing in your home. Once everything has been redesigned and rebuilt, all the mechanical components are where they need to be and the insulation is in place, the drywall can be lifted. It will need to be glued with adhesive tape and mud, then it will need to be dried and sanded. Once the walls are smooth, they are ready for priming, painting or other finishes.

Many contractors like to paint at this point to avoid dripping or excessive spraying on final finishes.

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