In what order do you renovate a house?

Experts are giving new advice on what is the best order to renovate a property after it was revealed that more than half of homeowners have made mistakes and 36 percent regret their renovations. The results of the BestHating survey show that one in 10 has made mistakes when changing the structure of a property. Not only is this costly to correct, but it can also affect resale value: 63 percent of potential buyers have been discouraged by structural problems. An average three or four bedroom property has 10 radiators, which could be replaced at a cost of around 1,600 pounds sterling.

It is estimated that, in this way, its resale value would amount to 10,000 pounds Sterling. Consider whether all electrical systems are safe and the position of the oven, refrigerator and kitchen units, and you may need the help of a designer to rework the design. Many specialty stores, such as Homebase, offer free kitchen design consultations, while IKEA has a practical 3D kitchen viewer for experimenting with your home's styles. According to research by BestHating, refurbishing a kitchen can increase the price of a property by up to 10 percent, making it worth the investment.

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